Saturday, April 23, 2022

Week 4 - Introduction to the Online Workbook

Students who have registered their textbook will need to log in to Cambridge One to start using the online workbook, Unit 1. The link to log in is at the top right of this webpage. It's called Cambridge One Workbook Log-in. Use your email address (the same one you used to register) and your password. If you don't remember, ask Kevin.

Kevin will explain how to use the online workbook. We will do Unit 1 in class, but all other units will be done for homework at home or on a school PC in your free time.

The English Reader Marathon starts May 1 (Sunday). Why not read some books over the holiday? You need to read 2 for this class anyway. If you read a lot, you may win a prize!

Reminder about Xreading
Today I will talk about Xreading again. You will also hear about this in your reading classes.

Here's the link to There's a slideshow here: Tutorial

You need to understand Xreading for two reasons:
a) The English Reader Marathon (optional)
b) Oral Communication II Homework X (read 2 books, take 2 quizzes), due July 20

Vocabulary - useful words for places

(This image is not from our textbook. It's from another book in the series.)

Golden Week!

What are you doing to do during Golden Week? Tell us on Padlet. Please include your name! Don't worry if your GW is not exciting. I just want you to make some English sentences. Please tell us two things. Use 'and' to connect two sentences.

* There is more than one Hyuga, Kosuke, Sota and Hana. Please use your first name and last initial. Hyuga should use Hyuga Sa or Hyuga Se.


Have a nice Golden Week!

Week 4 To Do List

1) Write what you are going to do during Golden Week on Padlet.

2) Do Unit 1 of the online workbook for Interchange INTRO

3) Read some books on Xreading. You must read 2 by the end of the semester.

* Repeating students also have Special classwork.

My email address is here:

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