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Let's look at the Fall schedule together. (scroll down)
Summer Intensive Course 2022 |
Jamboard - Past Tense Verbs re. summer activities
Did you do anything interesting this summer?
Student A: Hi! Did you do anything interesting this summer?
['yes' の場合]
Student B: Yes, I had a barbecue with some high school friends.
Student A: Sounds nice!
Student B: How about you? Did you do anything interesting this summer?
['no' の場合]
Student A: Not really. I worked at a convenience store all summer. I didn't have much free time.
Student B: Oh, that's too bad.
Padlet - Write your sentences in the past tense about your summer here. You can add a photo if you like! You can also comment on other students messages.
Interchange INTRO
[2] Conversation, p. 92 audio 🕪
[3] Grammar Focus, p. 93
[4] Pronunciation - Simple Past -ed endings
Time Flies - Jazz Chant (show image with accents)
Time flies, the days go by.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Time flies, the days go by.
Time flies, the months go by.
January, February, March, April.
Time flies, the months go by.
May, June, July, August.
Time flies, the months go by.
September, October, November, December
The seasons come, the seasons go.
Autumn, winter, spring, summer
Time flies, the years go by.
Where do they go? I don’t know.
Practice the Jazz Chant above. You can practice with a partner if you like. Then record your voice (alone) on Padlet. Be sure to write your name in the title space.
Practice with Kevin if you need help. You can also listen to the audio.
More Past Tense ExercisesHere are links to some online exercises that review the simple past tense:1) EnglishClub - Past Simple Quiz (This is practice.)* #1 above is practice, but #2 is a graded activity!
** #2 uses both simple present and simple past tense verbs.
Unit 14 Homework due next week; Sept. 28
Xreading - 2 books, pass the quizzes; due Jan. 11
To Do List
1) Do the More Past Tense Exercises above; #2 is a graded activity! 🢤 🢤 🢤 🢤
2) Practice saying the Jazz Chant above. Practice with Kevin alone or in pairs. Record it on Padlet. Be sure to write your name in the title space.
3) Homework Unit 14 online workbook; due before class next Wednesday, Sept. 28
* Sairishu students - scroll down and see homework below
After class:
- Do Unit 14 online workbook for homework; due Sept. 28
- Do Xreading; 2 books by Jan. 11.
- Did you write a note on Padlet? If not, do it! Did you also record your voice?
More Past Tense Verbs Practice (optional)
Simple Past regular verbs exercise ___
1) What problem did Nick have?
a. He was shot.
b. The road was too quiet.
c. His car broke down.
d. He couldn't get home.
2) What did Jessie do on the weekend?
a) She went to a parasailing class.
b) She injured her back.
c) She swam in the ocean.
d) She jumped off rocks.
3) Why did Armando go shopping?
a) To buy a present for his mom.
b) His mother needed something.
c) He could walk his dog at the mall.
d) There was no food in his house.
4) Who did Juliette meet?
a) Marie's baby
b) Her friend from school
c) Some kids in the park
d) Her running coach
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